Upsetting a moth expert

Studying the ‘Hawkmoths of REGUA’ leaflet I commented to our visiting moth expert, birder and trustee, Alan, that none were so impressive as the flamboyant pinks and golds of Britain’s Elephant Hawkmoth. This did not go down well and he spent the proceeding evenings producing numerous moth specimens for my inspection. Agrius cingulata pictured here is one of the more common species, and with a wingspan up to 12cm is twice the size of the Elephant Hawk.

Bright lights of REGUA’s open-fronted communal area attract plenty of moths and I mistakenly remarked to Alan we’d been enjoying watching a Pygmy Owl swoop in and pluck them from the air. He was less pleased to see his prize specimens disappear into the hooked beak!

Photo Credit: Alan Martin. Thanks Alan, it’s a beauty!

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